A Tortured Myth
The link between torture and finding the truth is a myth which must be dispelled. This ultimately means that torture does nothing to keep us safer.
27 year old College Student Studying Art. Democratic/Libertarian leanings. (socialy liberal, fiscally conservative.) my websight is: http://curiousgemini2.tripod.com/
The link between torture and finding the truth is a myth which must be dispelled. This ultimately means that torture does nothing to keep us safer.
This is still America, right? Or should we now call it Amerika?
Some members of the Christian right have attacked those who appose torture.
Romanticizing the southern plantation is much like romanticizing Nazi Germany. In fact, slavery might seem a bit worse than the holocaust, because, at least the Nazis put their slaves out of their misery at some point.
College is more than just training for a job. It equips students to become more thoughtful and to be more skeptical towards leaders.
Bush wants to re-write the very geneva convention the US has historically championed. This only undermines our image in the world even more. It's good to see, however, all the Republicans standing up to Bush on this. They don't all think like Rush or Ann Coulter, it seems.
It should be noted that evolution is advanced by an increase in genetic diversity. This is allows for a wider variety of traits to to improve chanced of the survival of a species. What Hitler wanted to do would actually undermine the genetic fitness of our species.
The Irony of Muslims committing acts s of terrorism is that it ends up hurting the reputation of Islam.(the very faith the claim to be defending) And thus fuels more prejudice against Muslims.
I just read recently that even arch-conservative Bill Bennet has denounced it. ABC is really in deep shit now.
My mom once worked at local resort and she said the most rowdy, hard drinking, heavy smoking groups they hosted was a bunch DEA agents. Apparently the "war on drugs" doesn’t include alcohol or nicotine.
I think the fact that The FBI is focusing on porn in the middle of the war on terror is well, obscene!
It would be simplistic to think that the invasion of Iraq was only about oil. But, if they didn’t have one of the worlds largest reservoirs of oil, would we be as willing to go to war with them?
If someone like Bin Loudin ruled the United States, he would have incinerated most of the world right now. Religious extremists in the US might not seem as harmful as their Muslim counterparts, but, if they were to take over America, they would have access to technology that could do millions of time more damage than Bin Loudin and his rag-tag group of thugs could ever dream of.
There is problem with associating Islamic Terrorist with Nazis. In the late 1930's, Germany had the most powerful military in the world, with the most advanced weapons and a highly trained military. They also had one of the worlds strongest economies.
At Dailykos I just read a post about ABC's new "docudrama" which shows Clinton doing nothing to fight terrorists. Apparently, it was written by a close friend of Rush Limbaugh.
There are connection from the past to the present. People such as Abramoth, Pat Robertson, and many far-right conservatives aren’t so different than those who slaughtered the Indians, rationalized slavery and the robber barons of ages past. It is the same tradition of greed, ignorance and moral hypocrisy.
The animalism beliefs of some tribes is a belief system based on the tangible reality around them, not some abstraction. This is much more genuine than modern beliefs.
What the abrahamitic religions such as Christianity, Islam and Judism have in common is the tendency to separate mind and body, to emphasis dogma, subjugate women, a dim view of sexual freedom and a tendency for war-mongering and conquest.
One the big problems with the Wahhabi form of Islam is the way it dehumanizes women. The Burka, after all, sheds women of thier individuality.
The anti-war, America First movement which was against confronting the Nazi's was primarily run by conservative Republicans.
My Heavens, Political desperation is Messy. But, you have to go in with the bone-headed leadership you have, not the competent one you want..
Many Christianists say they believe and "Western Values". Yet, they reject science and reason, concepts which go back to the Ancient Greeks. This "Darwin to Hitler" argument sounds like something a textbook in Saudi Arabia might say.
Dogma is the greatest lie ever conceived by man. The universe is a vast and uncertain place. No simple rules or belief system can possibly account for something so eginamic. It is impossible to distiquish between a belief and a delusion and between a holy man and a con-artist.
Without open-mindedness, the desire to explore, and logic and reason, there can be no progress, be it social or technological. Whenever these qualities are attacked or extinguished society stagnates.
One thing that virtually all totalitarian societies and religious fanatics all seem to have in common is a hatred of homosexuals. The Nazi’s killed them. The communist would put them in jail. Many Arab counties have harsh punishment for homosexuals. Both Scientalogy and cult leader Rev Moon have denounced homosexuality. The closed minded and intolerant are really one and the same.
Despite a few loopholes, "Collateral" was an excellent movie. It had good directing and the acting was top-notch.
Moslem extremists may denounce Bush in public, but in private, they must be celebrating him. After all, because of many of Bush’s policies seems to have given them more power and support from many Muslims. The end result of the war in Iraq, the one sided support for Israel the rejection of the geneva convention, and Bush’s general incompetence in forein policy has been the increased strength in popularity of Shia extremists, Iran and Hezbollah. It is Bush and his supporters, not liberals, who are aiding and abetting the enemy.
The American Revolution was one of the few revolutions that worked. Ninety percent of revolutions throughout history have ended in disaster. Either a country falls into anarchy or another tyrannical ruler takes over. Most revolutions deserve no praise or Romanticism Revolution, first and foremost, is a form of war. And like all warfare, it is violent, brutal and unpredictable.
It should be noted that few wars in history have actually achieved regime change. Even at the end of WWII America left the emperor in charge. (Albeit in a weakened position).
The problem with Bush’s approach to foreign policy is that the very unsavory regimens he shuns might actually give us valuable intel. Every conflict entails working with people who you might otherwise have nothing to do with.
Most Muslims arn’t terrorists. But, many of them don’t have the same regard for personal freedom than us in the West do. And that is very troubling.
It should be noted that democracy is more than just free elections. It means respect for individual rights, freedoms of expression and tolerance.
It could be argued that Hezballa and Hamas could be a greater threat to civilization than Al Queda. Bin Loudin and the Taliban, after all, are on the fringes of the Arab world. Much like the Klan in the US or The Brown Shirts in pre-war Germany. Which is to say that may inspire, but they have little material support or political legitimacy in the Arab world.
The policies of the Neo-Cons seem to be having the opposite effect as intended. There is more extremism in the Middle East now. And Israel is less, not more safe.
Some people have speculated to what extent do "End Time" believers influence the Bush administration.
It should be noted that Hezbollah is a fascist organization. They are patriarchal, puritanical, and warmongering. And they want to t infatrate and take over Lebonon. But, Isreal’s heavy handed bombing campaign has only given Hezbollah more sympathy and support in the Arab world. Israel may win the battle but lose the war of hearts and minds among its neibors.