Rick Santorum Playing The Blame Game in Catholic Church Scandle
Rick Santorum recently blamed the Catholic Churche’s Pedophile scandle on cultural liberalism. This, despite the fact that the Catholic Church is still vary conservative about sexuality.
The greatest falsehood here is that the pedophilia among Priest is some how a recent phenomena. Really? Given the secretrative nature of the Vatican and the Catholic Church, we can assume that this has been going on for Centuries.
It’s easy for conservative Catholics to blame a "sick" society. But, the blame really lies with the policies and creed of the church itself.
First, there is the Church’s policy of mandatory celibacy for Priests, which tends to attract sexually troubled and sexually immature individuals. (Its really surprising that Michael Jackson never signed up)
Then there is the dictatorial and secretive nature of the church itself. For years and years incidences of pedophilia where hushed up and the perpetrators where sent to different churches. So much for "a bedrock of morality."
The icing on the cake has much to do with the creed of the Catholic Church itself. Throughout the history of the Church, the Priest has been viewed as beyond reproach, literally a direct servant of God. Many of the victims of Pedophile Priests therefore found it almost impossible to come forward.
In the past, if a child were to talk about the abuse to their parents either they would be called liers or just plain delusional. It was the more conservative America culture at the time which allowed the abuse to go on unabated.
Now, in a more open culture which is much willing to question athority and to get dark things out in the light of day, the truth about the abuse has finally been confronted.
If society conformed to Rick Santoriom’s vision, The abuse would have never gotten out in the open.
The lack of democracy and overly centralized political structure of the Catholic Church has made it much easier for this problem to fester. The Church needs to follow in the footsteps of the former Soviet Republics and have peaceful transition to democracy.