Best Mac Commerical Spoof
Apple: for those with trust funds and too much free time.
27 year old College Student Studying Art. Democratic/Libertarian leanings. (socialy liberal, fiscally conservative.) my websight is:
There have been many right wing Christians who have attacked Islam.
I'm sure attacking Postcards from Buster has done much to improve the deplorable situation in inner city schools, improve skills in math and science and stop high divorce rates. Mission Accomplished!
Its strange how Mel Gibson has become the symbol of "family values" to the right, yet, his films are laced with so much death, blood and carnage. Yeah, stuff for the whole family, indeed..
It is beyond ironic that the most holy sights in world in the mid-east is the most violent and divided area on Earth. This area turns religion itself into a farce. Gotta love that "old time religion", right? There is a lesson to be learned from this. This illustrates how wallowing in blind tradition and dogma undermines the future itself. Evolution and new beginnings are what free us.
There are some right wingers who are trying to belittle the tyranny of Pinochet;
Its looks like we all need to be more careful about what turns us on:
Bush’s gag rule has had some unintended consequences:
Social conservatism, as a political movement, is dying. In the last election, some of the greatest losses were by candidates supported by the religious right. America is slowly becoming more socially liberal, and unless the GOP embraces tolerance, they will continue to lose many elections to come.
It looks like Chavez (surprise) has won re-election.
Orson Scott Card is the latest victim of post 9/11 hysteria: